The globetrotter On wheels


The #1 course from the travel series:

Step by Step Guide To
For Disabled People

Is Travelling For You?

Hi, I'm Martyn Sibley, and I want to share my incredible journey with you.
Living with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) hasn't stopped me from exploring the world. Since childhood, I've used a wheelchair, facing challenges that made travel seem impossible. But I never gave up on my dream.

From my parents' initial struggles to make travel accessible for me, I learned that solutions are possible through determination and persistence. My book's title says it all - "Everything is Possible."
Despite living in rural Cambridgeshire, I've ventured to Australia, Japan, Mexico, USA, Egypt, Europe, and beyond, taking part in thrilling adventures like flying an adapted plane over Stonehenge and scuba diving in Tenerife.

Professionally, my experiences led me to blog about my time in Spain, write for accessible tourism publications, speak at international conferences, co-found a disability travel business acquired by Airbnb, and consult for various tourism organisations.

Now, I'm excited to share my knowledge and experiences with you through my online course on traveling the world with a disability. This course is tailored to help you embark on your own travel adventure, providing practical tips and inspiring stories.

I want you to experience the joy of meeting interesting people, immersing yourself in diverse cultures, trying new foods, and creating unforgettable memories. Join my course at a special discounted early bird price and let's break barriers together.

Traveling is possible for everyone, regardless of obstacles. Don't let fear hold you back. Together, we'll prove that your dream journey is within reach. Enroll today, and let's begin our journey together towards a world of boundless possibilities!

Course Highlights - You Will Know:

  • What to consider when planning your travels.
  • How to find suitable accessible accommodation. 
  • How to plan your accommodation, taking into account your specific needs.
  • Which amenities and adaptations you require during your journey and stay.
  • How to effectively communicate with property owners and staff.
  • How to use tools to help you navigate any difficulties related to your ideal accommodation. 
  • How to book accommodation without wasting time searching in the wrong places.

Why Choose This Course?

All In One Place

All the necessary information is consolidated in one place, eliminating the need for extensive research.

Unlimited Access

You have unlimited access to the training platform, allowing you to learn at your own pace.

Save your Time

By learning and applying the knowledge from the course, you will be able to independently book your accommodation, saving your time.

Tips And Guidance

You will gain all the essential tips and guidance to ensure a comfortable stay during your travels.

Who Is This For?

  • For disabled people who want to independently organise their trips and tailor them to their needs and comfort.
  • For individuals who had an accident and who want to travel again as part of their rehabilitation.
  • For caregivers of disabled or elderly people with mobility issues who require information on how to organise a trip from scratch, step by step.
  • For parents of disabled children who have never traveled before - complete beginners guide! 

What does the course include? 

module 1

module 1
Welcome and Introduction

In this module, we'll kick things off by understanding why traveling is not only possible but also essential for us.
I'll share my own experiences, and together, we'll explore how disabled people all around the world are traveling and how you are no different from anyone else.
Through exercises, we'll identify your dream destinations and the reasons behind your travel aspirations, while removing any negative influences or preconceived notions about traveling with a disability.
Remember, everything is possible!

Understand Your Access Requirements

Here, we'll delve into the essential factors to consider when it comes to accessibility during your travels.

By the end of this module, you will have a clear understanding of your personal needs.
We'll differentiate between non-negotiable requirements and those that would be nice to have but aren't essential


Planning your trip is crucial, and in this module, we'll equip you with the right strategies and tools to find the perfect accessible accommodation.
We'll explore how to leverage artificial intelligence and other resources to save time and energy.
Additionally, I'll provide a list of reliable websites and travel platforms specifically catering to disabled people.

You'll also learn about potential challenges to watch out for and receive email templates for easy communication.
By the end of this module, you'll have your shortlist of potential accommodations ready!

Module 4


In this module, we'll focus on effective communication with accommodation providers.
I'll guide you on different ways to get in touch with them and how to obtain the necessary contact information.
You'll also learn which questions to ask to ensure the accommodation meets your needs.
We'll cover methods to verify the information provided and how to consider the cancellation policy and insurance.
Finally, it's time to book your chosen option and get excited about your upcoming adventure!

Module 5


As your travel date approaches, it's essential to make some preparations.

We'll discuss what you should keep in mind during the planning phase.
Additionally, we'll compile a checklist of items you might need to bring from home, such as hoists, slings, bed risers, and other essentials your chosen accommodation might not have readily available.

Stay positive


Even with thorough planning, unexpected challenges might arise upon arrival.
But fear not, we'll share tips and tricks to stay positive and overcome these issues with grace and resilience.
After all, our journey is about embracing adventure and growth!

You can purchase the course for only:


Unlock the Bonus Benefits!
3 Bonuses Included with Enrollment

"Everything is possible" Martyn Sibley

Bonus #1

I'm thrilled to offer my E-book memoir titled "Everything is Possible" as a special bonus.
It shares my personal journey and experiences, highlighting the limitless possibilities of accessible travel. I hope it inspires and empowers others to embark on their own adventures without limitations.

Bonus #2

Email templates
with specific questions about accessibility, i.e., how to obtain necessary information from the accommodation staff.

Bonus #3


PDF checklists that help you assess accommodations based on specific criteria that meet your needs.


A 30-day satisfaction guarantee is provided following publication of all course videos and materials. A full refund of 100% is available if you are not happy with your experience. Course satisfaction is our priority, so do take advantage of this risk-free offer.

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